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Oahu as the queen of the surfing sport

Surfing at Oahu
All   surfing fanatics would not dare to refuse to ride the fabled waves of the famous North Shores. Riding its magnificent waves is a dream come true for every surfing fanatic. Experts would welcome the world-class breaks of Waimea bay, the Banzai Pipeline and the Sunset beach during the winter when waves swells is 30 ft or 9 m. high. 

Those who want the calm sea, they can enjoy the summer here when the water is much calmer and more ideal for snorkeling. Haleiwa, a neighboring town is known as Surf City U.S.A. Surfing and snorkeling is two of the activities in many vacation packages available for the sporty souls. A champion surfer will take pride to claim he had ridden the famous wave’s break in this island.

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